Terra Soft on Tuesday announced the release of Yellow Dog Linux v6.0, a new version of their operating system that works on, among other platforms, G4 and G5-equipped Macs. The software is available immediately for YDLnet Enhanced users; it will be published on DVD in two weeks, and public mirrors will have it available within a month.
Yellow Dog Linux 6.0 is built upon CentOS, a derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Key features include the Enlightenment (E17) and Gnome user interface, Gnash, a Flash work-alike, Ekiga VoIP, and more. With Yellow Dog Linux installed, Mac users can operate an open source operating system, installing software compiled to run on PowerPC systems including Web, database, e-mail and network services — more than 2,000 software packages are included on the install DVD alone. YDL v6.0 introduces a new level of multi-media support and functions with the latest Enlightenment window manager for a rich, dynamic, and powerful end user experience.