Kaspersky launches ‘Mobile Security 7.0’ protection


Kaspersky says their new Mobile Security 7.0 application offers “powerful protection for data stored on smartphones in the event that the device is lost, as well as protecting against network attacks, malware and SMS spam”.

As it is a new product, it’s unsurprising to hear that it features a “series of technical and functional modifications, that have improved the performance of the product, making it more effective and user-friendly”.

According to Kaspersky, key new functions “allow users to completely block a lost device or to remotely delete all the data on it. Moreover, if a smartphone is stolen, the SIM-Watch function prevents the thief from accessing data on the phone without the original SIM card; as soon as the original SIM card is replaced, a message notifies its owner of the new telephone number”.

While a number of Windows Mobile devices do have the ability to have their data wiped, not all Windows Mobile owners are connected to a corporate environment where a system administrator can perform these functions.

This means that Mobile Security 7.0 should give consumers on the latest Windows Mobile and Symbian platforms a way for themselves to ensure their smartphones can be kept secure, which certainly sounds like a very handy feature to have, whether you’re accident prone or not, for even the most careful of people can still have their phone stolen.
