These are the simple steps to uninstall KDE from windows XP
Many are installing KDE in windows but they are unaware; how to un-install windows KDE application, so here is the simple step to uninstall KDE from windows XP.
- In TaskMgr processes, shut down kded4, dbus-daemon, klauncher, etc.
- Run kdewin-installer, click each installed package until it shows a garbage can, and then complete the installer
- Remove lib directory from %PATH% and the KDEDIRS environment variable which is created at the time of installation. In [ Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables], click on KDEDIRS in User variable and delete Variable name KDEDIRS with Variable value; the directory where you installed KDE4, e.g. C:\KDE4.
- Clean up your Download Path of all the downloaded packages, and delete your install directory too
Done now KDE is uninstalled from your system.