Email spam [Junk mail or Unwanted email] really annoys all. There’s something hideous about craftily and repeatedly forcing worthless products onto millions of people who really couldn’t care less about viagra logo enhancements or anything else on offer. Spam is a big problem for everyone from the individual home Internet user to the multi-national corporation that depends on email communications to conduct business.
There are different kinds of spamming around this electronic web world.
– Repeatedly forcing useless products onto millions.
– Hidden text and links
– Blog and Wiki spamming
– Email Bombing
– Porno spam [Mailing of “adult” advertisements or pornographic pictures]
– Virus spam [Mass mailing that contain viruses, Trojans, malicious scripts, etc.]
– Spam scams [Mass mailing of fraudulent messages]
There are more and more spam categories do you ever think about
– What the reason behind it?
– Why this spam’s are not blocked all the time?
– How this spamming happening?
– What action you can take against spamming?
– Can’t we stop this spamming?
Yes it’s true there are many questing regarding this but truly the problem is; “the worst mailing protocol itself”. The founder of mail protocol never thought of this kind of un-presidential use of this discovery. Yes that’s true! Now no one can change this protocol because this protocol is spread like spider web all over the world. One craziest thing in mailing is; any one can send mail to any one with others mail address also if that mail address exists or not! That meant I can send mail from your mail id with out using your mail account, is this craziest!!!
There are many tools and companies in the world to stop and prohibit this spamming but all are failed in it. Till now there is no product or agency which can stop spam mails coming or going out of your mail address. So this is all about mail security. We can only hop a good system will come to stop this nonsense in future.
But still there are some tips to Identify this spam mails your self but its little technical I hop all can understand this. By seeing mail you cant identify how is sending mail and from ware it came from. The only way to check that is by looking in to header of the mail. All mail clients have the option to see the header of the mail the header of mail will looks like this it may differ in appearance depends up on providers
Return-Path: [spamers@address.com]
Received: from server.anydomai.com (mail.anymaildomain.com [])
by spam01.d2.dfd.com (8.10.2/8.10.2) with ESMTP id NAA23597;
Fri, 12 Dec 2008 16:11:20 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from aol.com (127-34-56-98.dsl.mybigisp.com [])
by server.mymailhost.com; Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:09:38 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:09:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Hot Summer Deals <faike@aol.com>
To: your@mailaddress.com
Subject: You won the price of 10$Bln!!
In this you need to check the initial 6 lines which give exact picture of reply address and mail from server. This should mach the last 3 lines. Some time it also dot work; so this is not the 100% best solution for spam mail identification. I hop you can understand the complexity in mail identification.
NOTE:- Better solution is stop opening mails from unknown person. Never click any link in mails and also never download attached file which you are not sure about.