Google has publicly launched AdSense for Feeds. Google has actually been trying out this service for a long time with a few selected feed publishers, but they launched it for the rest of the world. This new offering lets publishers very easily include AdSense in their RSS feeds which takes advantage of Google’s classic CPC and also CPM ads.
Also some weeks ago they have launched “video units” service, which actually YouTube video sharing service. Basically you get the chance to embed certain YouTube videos into your website, either by picking from an available channel or feeding Google your preferred categories and keywords, or by allowing Google to automatically target the content to your site.
1) To use the AdSense for Feeds service, simply log into your AdSense account, then follow these steps:
a) Click on AdSense Setup
b) Click AdSense for Feeds
c) Fill out the setup form
d) Click “Save” that’s it.
Once you’ve finished this, the feeds you selected will now show ads at a frequency that matches the criteria you specified when setting it up.
Also google will launch a add migration tool for the existing feedburner add users.
2) To use the “Video units” service, simply log into your AdSense account, then follow these steps:
a) Click on AdSense Setup
b) Click Video units
c) Fill out the setup form
d) Click “Save”.
e) Get the code and past it in you site and enjoy