An un-patched flaw in Adobe Systems Flash Player 9 software; is being exploited by online criminals, Symantec reported on Monday.
Flaw lies in the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player browser plugin, which is widely used by Internet surfers to view animated Web pages. The flaw affects both the recently released Flash Player version 9.0.124 .0 and version, according to an advisory posted Monday to Symantec’s Security Focus Web site.
The flaw lets attackers run unauthorized software on the PC, and if the attack fails for some reason it will likely crash the browser, Security Focus said. Symantec is not aware of any vendor-supplied patches for the flaw, the advisory states.
In January, Adobe and other Web-development-tool vendors had to fix bugs in their development tools that created buggy Shockwave Flash (.swf) files that could be exploited in a cross-site scripting attack. This attack can be used by phishers, but it also gives the bad guys a nearly undetectable route into a victim’s bank account or almost any type of Web service.
Adobe last month patched seven bugs in Flash Player, including the one that allowed hacker Shane Macaulay to win a laptop and US$5,000 for hacking into a Windows Vista machine in a March contest at the CanSecWest security conference.
Yikes, I’m using 9,0,45,0, or so says the Adobe website.
Should I be worried about this? I use firefox and flash doesn’t run unless I specifically allow it.