Mitsubishi LaserVue World’s First Laser TV Released

Laser TV

Mitsubishi Digital Electronics releases New 2008 product, highlights include thinner frame DLP models and Ultra Thin Frame LCD HDTVs with improved sound capabilities. Mitsubishi also has named its recently announced Laser TV, which will be branded as LaserVue and will be available to consumers in the 3rd Quarter of 2008. The new products include DLP Full HDTVs, at sizes upto 73 inches, Ultra Thin Frame 1080p LCD HDTV models ranging from 40″ to 52″, (seven in all) and the first-ever laser-powered television, LaserVue.

Mitsubishi’s entire line of LCD HDTVs feature Smooth 120Hz Film Motion, with dejudder for film originated content. In the conversion of film-to-video for display, 24Hz artifacts can be seen in slow panning scenes and Smooth 120Hz Film Motion eliminates this artifact for action content. The new LCD additions also will continue to leverage 10bit Panels, 6-Color Processor, x.v.Color and Deep Color.
Today’s HDTVs display less than 40 percent of the color spectrum that the eye can see. But Mitsubishi claims that laser produces twice the color. Laser beams provide the widest range of rich, complex colors, along with the most clarity and depth of field.

This is an International release, and will be available beginning in April in US.
