Where Apple’s Latest News about Apple iPhone is concerned, “me too” appears to be the operative philosophy among the company’s competitors in the mobile phone marketplace.
“We need to stop thinking of the iPhone as a phone,” said Phil Leigh, senior analyst with Inside Digital Media. “Voice is merely one application of many that it will use on the wireless Internet.”
Rivals already are thinking along the same lines as they contemplate the impact the iPhone has had on a white-hot smartphone marketplace, Leigh noted.
The iPhone, which has attracted a whirlwind of media attention since it launched in the U.S. last June, captured a 28 percent share of the U.S.’ converged device market — the category includes smartphones and wireless handhelds — during the fourth quarter, market research firm Canalys reported. Mobile units with Microsoft Webroot AntiSpyware 30-Day Free Trial. Click here. Latest News about Microsoft technology had a 21 percent share.
The iPhone was not launched in Europe, the Middle East and Africa until the after the fourth quarter had begun. There, Apple trailed Nokia, RIM, HTC and Motorola.
The limits on the iPhone’s potential outside the U.S. market are crucial to the product’s bottom line, Llamas noted.
“I can’t think of an upstart company in the mobile phone industry that was able to reach those numbers,” he said.
Competitors are noting the success of the iPhone — and borrowing from its technology, Llamas added. “Look for a lot of me-too devices out there.”
Leigh agreed. “They look at it with fear and loathing because they recognize that it is a paradigm shift that has left them in the dust,” he told MacNewsWorld.
That’s because copycat products already are out on the market, Leigh said. “But none have gained more than a minute share of the market.”